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But here was comrade Juna Budhamagar strolling along, quite unassuming, simplicity and ruggedness personified, knitting a pullover for her loved one.

But here is another place, a different circuit. 但这里(英国)却是另一个地方,不同的赛道。
But here l wish to point out that although Gitic's bankruptcy is lawful,reasonable and fair,one should not assume that one can benefit from the bankruptcy and one should not rush from bankruptcy. 同时,我也认为,尽管你破产是合法、合情、合理的,你也不能随便破产,不要破出甜头来,大家都搞破产也不行。
But here lie even bigger pitfalls. 但有甚至更大的危险埋藏着。
But here too unilateral action may be decisive. 但下面这个例子说明,单方行动也可决定一切。
But here was an eerie reminder of another freak snowstorm, almost exactly a year earlier. 但是这次的雪使人想起了差不多正好一年前的另一场恐怖的暴风雪。
But here was comrade Juna Budhamagar strolling along, quite unassuming, simplicity and ruggedness personified, knitting a pullover for her loved one. 然而眼前的瞿娜则与我们的想象截然相反,她很谦逊,也不装腔作势,朴素甚至个性还有点粗野,她正在为爱人编织一个套领。
But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets -- the astronomical distances which separate us. 然而,在和外星人联系中我们遇到的最大困难是分隔我们的天文距离。
But here's the punch line: Laughter and joy are not unique to humans, the study says. 研究结果同时表明,笑和喜悦并不只是人类所特有的,早在人类会笑之前,其它一些动物就已经拥有原始形态的笑声了。
But here's the thing: The acquisition of the Rocket would be a bonus for the Yankees, but it probably shouldn't be considered part of the basic game plan. 但是目前的事情是:或得火箭人对洋基来说是红利,但是他可能考虑不打球了。
But here, too, there was a sex-linked wrinkle. 在这里同样有与性别相关的问题。
But hey, I can see why some of these were invented, like the fresh air breather, because sometimes you're just too lazy to go outside for a few minutes and youd rather jam a hose up your face. 不过,其中有些发明我还是觉得有道理的,比如那个“新鲜空气呼吸器”,因为有时候你会懒得宁愿用一根管子罩住你的脸也不愿意出去走走。

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