In a world where climate is constantly changing because of human intervention or otherwise, El Nino remains an enigmatic child of the global atmosphere, a variable constant.
由于人类的行为和其它一些原因,气候在不断改变。在全球大气中,厄尔尼诺像一个难懂的孩子在不断的耍出新招。 |
In a world where many networks interconnect on the fly and information is widely shared, that will not work.
但在未来的无线世界,许多网络在空中纵横交错,信息广泛共享,协约将难以奏效。 |
In a world where the rest of us were fighting to attain, to conquer, and to have, it is no wonder that Jao Che Wei is one of the most peaceful and spiritually grounded people I have ever met.
在这样一个世界里,我们其馀的人争取达到,征服,并有机会,也难怪饶车伟是其中最和平的精神停飞的人,我见过. |
In a world with an increasing potential for the rapid spread of pathogens – overcrowded cities,high mobility — the role of efficient infectious disease task forces can therefore not be overestimated.
在这个世界上,因病原体迅速传播而引发的潜在威胁越来越多——过度拥挤的城市,高度的流动性——传染病的高效特遣部队这一角色不能轻易忽视。 |
In a written statement yesterday, Merck said: “Merck fully recognises the roles and responsibilities of regulatory authorities worldwide in matters involving public health and, accordingly, it informed European and other international regulatory authoriti
默克昨天在一份书面声明中表示:“在涉及公共健康等事务上,默克完全承认世界各地监管当局的作用和职责,因此,公司9月30日公开宣布自愿将万络撤出全球各地市场,就在宣布前不久,我们把这一决定通知了欧洲和其它国际监管当局。” |
In a year or so ,we'd be sitting pretty.
一年左右,我们将会令人羡慕。 |
In a year when the global telecommunication industry experienced lackluster growth, the Chinese telecommunication industry continues to increase stably, which shows the vitality of the industry as well as the positive effect the governmental policies are
在全球电信业增长乏力的形势下,中国通信业持续稳步的增长态势体现了中国通信业的旺盛活力和政府业务发展政策的积极稳健。 |
In a young girl's life there are periods when one boy seems to be more in evidence than others.
在一个少女的生活中,总会有那么一段日子和某个男孩的交往明显多于其他男孩。 |
In a zero transaction cost world, bargaining strength does not affect the efficiency of outcomes; but in a world of positive transaction costs it does—and it thus shapes the direction of long run economic change.
在一个零交易费用的世界,谈判力量并不影响结果的有效性;但是在一个交易费用为正的世界里,它会有影响--而且它形成了长期制度变迁的方向。 |
In a3601 Finance Communication Controller, a subdivision of a track on a diskette.
在3601金融通信控制器中,软盘上的一段磁道。 |
In abolishing serfdom, the Chinese did not entirely do away with the power of the landlord to conscript labor, to jail debtors and to control the life and even death of his tenants; it did not completely abolish child slavery, the custom of buying and sel
中国废除农奴制的时候,并没有废除地主摊派劳役、监禁债户以及决定佃农生死的种种权力,也没有完全废除蓄奴、买卖少女、纳妾、包办婚姻等等陋俗。 |