A hail of fire from us sent the aggressors 5a8 fleeing panic-stricken.
我们一阵炮火打得侵略者惊惶逃窜。 |
A hail of fire from us sent the aggressors fleeing panic-stricken.
我们一阵炮火打得侵略者惊惶逃窜。 |
A hailstone hit the county on Monday, and caused losses to the banana production.
当日18时30分左右,云南省勐腊县遭遇冰雹袭击,香蕉等作物不同程度遭受损失。 |
A hailstorm hurt the apple crop.
一场风暴损坏了种植的苹果。 |
A hair cut and shave?
理发加修面? |
A haircut and a shave, please.
客人:请给我理发和修面。 |
A hairline fracture in the cola coloured veneer which seperated my cup of tea from the throbbing liquid lava of red disco heaven beneath the surface of the table.
在可乐色薄板上的细裂纹,它从桌子表面之下的脉动的红色迪斯科天堂的液体熔岩分开了我喜爱的东西。 |
A half century ago,American and British physicians started a medical service called the flying doctorsto airlift people out of remote eras in medical emergencies.
半个世纪以前,美国和英国开始有了叫做“移动医生”的医疗服务,在紧急医疗事件中将人空运到远处。 |
A half hour class to learn and practise a type of sticking hands.
半小时班级学习和练习铁环功夫黐手。 |
A half note.
二分音符 |
A half truth is often no better than a lie.
半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。 |