The story of its near demise and dramatic turnaround shows how nonprofit lead-ers can pursue their visions while building enduring organizations.
它几近死亡却又戏剧性地起死回生的故事表明非营利领导可以追求他们的使命,同时建造持久的组织。 |
The story of pluto and the ups and downs of pluto, the lecture is going to revealed.
这次事件的来龙去脉,故事的峰迴路转,这讲座将为大家细说这场世纪辩论的故事。 |
The story of the Metalhead Maniacthat Jimmy tells to the students is a story that the writer heard while camping in northern Arizona as a youth.
吉米讲给学生们的“重金属爱好狂”的故事,说的是作者年轻时在亚利桑那北部宿营时听到的一个故事。 |
The story of the faithless son left a deep impression on my mot her.
这个忘恩负义的儿子的故事给我母亲留下了深刻的印象。 |
The story of the goblin he had heard some time before now crossed his mind.
以前他所听过的种种鬼怪故事,此时都浮现在他的脑海中。 |
The story of the revolutionary family goes parallelly with decadent story, new-born revolutionary family is not lack of the phantom of the family doctrine, the old family of in the decline process is filled with the blood affection for the treachery, mode
革命大家庭的叙事与家族颓败故事的讲述并行不悖,新生的革命家庭不乏家族主义的幽灵,而处于衰败过程中的旧家庭却充满着让叛逆者难以割舍的血缘亲情;现代与传统的汇流,眷恋与决绝的困惑,激进与保守的渗透如此矛盾地出现于世纪之交的家族小说中。 |
The story of their relationship and the gradual transformation of Sabine's life as a result of it.
电影最后暗示,数学同电磁场一样,是一片美丽得动情的场! |
The story of their success was splashed(all) over the front page.
有关他们的成功的报道醒目地占用了报纸的整个头版。 |
The story of their sufferings moved us deeply.
他们的苦难经历深深打动了我们。 |
The story of this young man deserves our reflecting.
这个年轻人的故事值得我们深思。 |
The story of two brothers who get involved with a sexy stripper and her boss, the nightclub king of Santiago, as told from three perspectives. Sexy, gritty, emotional.
本片从性、勇气和情感三方面讲述两兄弟与性感的脱衣舞女,她的老板及圣地亚哥王国夜总会间的故事。 |