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Months of high and low sales average out over the year.

Monthly salary, how many monthly salary an year, other benefits such as company car, parking lot, car allowances, Club membership, stock option, annual leave, performance bonus and etc. 月工资,每年有多少月工资,其它优惠像公司的车,停车场,车子津贴/补助,具乐部的会员资格,储备意见,年假,表演的津贴/红利等等.
Monthly “Fast and Pray” (7 Jun: 1pm to 9pm)Welcome to attend monthly prayer meeting (7.45pm to 9pm) at T21. 每月禁食祷告会(6月7日:下午1点至晚上9点)欢迎大家参加在T21,晚上7点45分至晚上9点的教会祷告会。
Months before the Carnival, some professional Samba schools will set out to compose music, rehearse5 dances and design costumes according to the current theme of the Carnival. 狂欢节开始的前几个月,一些专业的桑巴舞学校便会根据当年的狂欢节主题着手制作音乐、编排舞蹈、设计服饰。
Months have elapsed before I hear from my friend again. 好几个月过去後我才再次收到我朋友的信。
Months later, the procedure was complete, and she returned to Pakistan. 数月后,整个整容手术完成了,她回到了巴基斯坦。
Months of high and low sales average out over the year. 销售额高低不同的月份按全年统算达到一般水平。
Months of research and experimentation identified the technical difficulties and tools available to resolve them. 数个月的研究和实验发现了一些技术问题和解决问题的工具。
Montmorillonite, quartz and cristobalite can be corroded by sodium hydroxide solution, but will introduce new impurity phase similar to zeolite. 氢氧化钠溶蚀法会对蒙脱石、石英和方石英同时产生溶蚀,引入新的物相杂质。
Monuments can also be named, but whether Ozymandias, or Nanyang Arch, if all we see is a lump of stone if we see at all, if no one remembers, or cares, then whatever its name, the monument would not speak, would trigger off no emotion, not even curiosity. 牌坊尽可命名,但不管是叫奥兹曼迪亚斯,还是南洋牌坊,如果我们看到的只是一块石头,而且确实把它当作是一块石头,如果没有人记得它或爱护它,那么不管给它取什么名字,这个牌坊不会说话,也不会激发人们的情感,甚至也不会激发人们的好奇心。
Mony times tinny happiness can easily drown us ,but we are so insensitive to neglect them. 很多时候细小的幸福都可以轻而易举地淹没我们,只是我们常常出于麻木而忽悠.
Mon,can I borrow some money from you?I'm going to see Sinbadwith Victor. 妈,我能不能向您借一点钱?我要和维特一起去看电影辛巴达。

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