Stacey: Why should I tell you? It's none of your business.
斯泰西:我为什么要告诉你,你还是多关心关心你自己吧! |
Stack chicken pieces in a bowl.
把鸡肉码放在一个碗里。 |
Stack crepes on a microwave-safe plate, and cover with a paper towel; microwave just until warm and pliable, 15 to 25 seconds.
将薄饼铺在微波烤盘上,铺一层纸巾在上面;加热15到25秒,使其变软。 |
Stack the risers on the rack with the BOP crane.
防喷器吊车将隔水管排入管架内。 |
Stack, queue, maze problem, expression computing, multi-stack and multi-queue.
堆栈;队列;迷宫问题;表达式计算;多堆栈和多队列。 |
Stacking devices vertically offers a way around some of the weighty obstacles that threaten to derail Moore's Law.
大卖场型的二维晶片不断向外扩展,会增加光刻影像在边界区域聚焦的困难。 |
Stacking occurs when a series of short draws of hot water (3 gallons or less) are taken from the water heater tank.
当从热水器内取出一系列少量热水(3加仑以下)时,会发生层积现象。 |
Stacks can only be divided on the global map, not on the battlefield.
部队分组只能在地图上进行,不能在战场上。 |
Stacks of papers lay neatly sorted in folders on the desk.
一叠叠的文件整齐的分类好放在桌上的文件夹。 |
Stacy: Hey, there's a stand selling “ji pai.” Dad, would you like to try some fried chicken?
史黛西:嘿,那里有个摊贩在卖「鸡排」。爸,你要吃吃看鸡排吗? |
Stacy: I'm a lawyer. You're a jerk. There's gonna to be some overlap.
38我是律师,你是混蛋,我们肯定有共同语言。 |