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But his soul goes marching on.

But his reputation was made, and from that day his name spread through every camp in Alaska. 不过他已名声大振,从那天起,他的名字,传遍了阿拉斯加的每一个营地。
But his rise was fast through the amateur ranks. 经历过业余水准,他的提升很快。
But his sizeable entourage probably made him more conspicuous than he wanted to be. 但他那庞大的保镖助手群,使他显得非常“大牌”,不过杰伦却没有显露出一点点要耍大牌的样子。
But his sons did not follow in his ways, but turned aside after unjust gain and took bribes and perverted justice. 3他儿子不行他的道路,偏去贪图不义之财,收受贿赂,屈枉公理。
But his sons-in-law did not take him seriously. 他女婿们却以为他说的是戏言。
But his soul goes marching on. 但是他的灵魂继续存在。
But his stomach did not give him the slightest uneasiness. 不过,胃倒是没有让他感觉到有什么不舒服。
But his supervisor was among those making the lewd and degrading comments. 但他的上司也是这些满口污言秽语的骚扰者之一,而人事经理也无能为力。
But his supporters see no hypocrisy at all: Blackstone's bosses know the value of public markets only too well, since they need them to buy back the companies in its portfolio when they want to cash in their gains. 但是,他的坚持者却认为这一点都不虚伪:黑石集团的老板们深深地了解股市的价值,因为当他们准备出售旗下公司获得利润(参照译注2)的时候,股市的作用就体现出来了。
But his tag team days are definitely not behind him. On July 4, 2002, Edge paired up with his boyhood idol, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and won his eighth WWE Tag Team Championship! 后来艾吉的双打生涯也有了起死回生的转机,2002年7月4日美国国庆日,艾吉又赢到了他的第八次双打冠军,且搭档者不是别人,正是艾吉的童年偶像:霍肯是也!
But his two biggest deals have been kit sponsorship with Samsung worth £11m a year and a tie-up with Adidas that analysts reckon brings in £13m annually. 但最重要的两笔生意还是与三星每年一千一百万英镑的球衣赞助和与阿迪达斯的强强联合——分析人士相信每年的合同总额达到一千三百万英镑。

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