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Hundreds of Buddhist monks have marched through Rangoon in one of the most defiant protests against Burma's military government in at least a decade.

Hundreds died when the liner went down. 班轮沉没时,有数百人罹难。
Hundreds died when the liner went down. 班轮沉没时,有数百人死亡。
Hundreds more are on the danger list today. 现在另外上百种动物也上了濒危动物名单。
Hundreds of giantcrabs have invaded the ancient heart of Rome, threatening to interrupt the work of archaeologists excavating the city's subterranean treasures. 数以百计的“巨大”螃蟹入侵罗马的古老心脏,可能会中断考古学家在该市地下洞穴挖掘宝藏的工作。
Hundreds of Afghan children mix regular schooling with art and acrobatics at the school set up by a Danish performance artist. 在丹麦表演艺术家创建的这所艺术学校?堙A数百名阿富汗孩子一边接受文化课,一边练习艺术和杂技表演。
Hundreds of Buddhist monks have marched through Rangoon in one of the most defiant protests against Burma's military government in at least a decade. 缅甸数百名佛教僧侣星期四走在仰光街头举行示威,这是至少10年来爆发的最无视军政府的示威活动之一。
Hundreds of Chinese made their way to Tonga's neighbouring country Fiji Wednesday to board an Air China aircraft sent by Beijing yesterday. 星期三,数百名中国人前往汤加的邻国斐济,乘坐由北京昨天派出的一驾中国国航飞机。
Hundreds of Egyptians angered by the lack of news about their relatives who were aboard a ferry that sank in the Red Sea three days ago have attacked and set fire to the offices of the company that owned the ship. 数百名等待三天前红海沉没渡轮上亲人消息的埃及人因得不到消息而愤怒,攻击并点燃了船东公司的办公楼。
Hundreds of Mostar citizens and tourists watched the celebrations, perched in houses and cafes around the bridge. 几百名莫斯塔尔市民和游客在老桥附近的家中或咖啡馆里观看了这次庆典。
Hundreds of Russians gathered for the first day of the annual pig Olympicson Saturday, cheering a field of 12 piglets who comed in three events: pig-racing, pig-swimming and pigball. 运动会第一天,数百名俄罗斯人来到赛场,为12只参加赛跑、游泳和猪球比赛的小猪呐喊助威。
Hundreds of Russians gathered for the first day of the annual pig Olympicson Saturday, cheering a field of 12 piglets who competed in three events: pig-racing, pig-swimming and pigball. 4月15日,一年一度的“小猪奥林匹克”运动会在俄罗斯开幕。运动会第一天,数百名俄罗斯人来到赛场,为12只参加赛跑、游泳和猪球比赛的小猪呐喊助威。

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