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They wanted peace even at the cost of Communist domination of the government.

They want to view pages more quickly so they use a text only browser. 他们想浏览页面更快,所以他们使用一个文本浏览器.
They want us to show some of our colour slides. 他们想看看我们的彩色幻灯片.
They wanted more self-government. 他们想要更为自治的政府。
They wanted no part of such a slack-twisted fellow. 他们不愿跟这种没骨气的家伙打交道。
They wanted no part of such anarchy and sought an orderly, peaceful society in keeping with the Constitution, which was itself deeply permeated with Christian principles, as we have seen. 他们不想要这种无政府状态,而寻求一种有秩序的、和平的社会可以维持宪法,宪法本身则深受基督教原则的影响,如同我们已经看过的。
They wanted peace even at the cost of Communist domination of the government. 他们要求媾和,即使让共产党控制政府也在所不惜。
They wanted some action, so they went to the casino. 他们希望来点刺激些的活动,所以他们去了赌场。
They wanted the kid to make his bet already – or pack it in, grab the tatty duffel bag under his chair, and head back to Boston. 他们想让这个孩子快点下注-或者把那些筹码赶快装进椅子底下那个破口袋里,马上滚回波士顿。
They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. 他们想这座塔成为全意大利最美丽的塔。
They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural. 他们要把自己的建筑物建成不合自然的模样。
They wanted to dance unmolested. 他们想要平静地跳舞。

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