Apart from mortgage financing, other ways to break the bottleneck are enriching banking professionals and proportioning the cost of shipbuilding.
突破这一瓶颈的办法,除在建船舶抵押货款融资外,还可以用充实银行专业人才和分摊造船成本的办法。 |
Apart from neutral, these films are also available in a range of color that offer heat and glare control properties.
这种特殊制造的膜,它有许多颜色可选择,每一种都可减少反光及隔热。 |
Apart from not wanting to irritate North Korea, with which it has an agreement to repatriate refugees, China fears that a flood of desperate North Korean asylum-seekers would destabilise its north-eastern provinces.
除了不想刺激与中国有协定遣返难民的朝鲜,中国担心走头无路的朝鲜人潮水般涌入,这些寻求庇护者会使中国的东北各省不稳定。 |
Apart from observing 1A Home Economics and 6S English lessons, he also visits our Gifted Education Resource Centre, Health Education Resource Centre and Biotechnology Centre, as well as chats with students cheerfully.
除探访1A家政课及6S英文课外,本校特开放资优教育资源中心、健康教育资源中心及生物科技中心供王启思先生参观,王先生亦与本校学生代表对话,畅谈甚欢。 |
Apart from ordinary salty and sweet zongzi, Dasanyuan also has purple glutinous rice zongzi, which stickier than ordinary glutinous rice zongzis.
除一般的咸粽子和甜粽子之外,大三元还有比一般粽子更粘的纯糯米粽子。 |
Apart from other considerations , time is a factor.
别的考虑之外,时间也是个因素。 |
Apart from paying your bills, you see financial matters as a drag on your valuable time and energy.
除了必要的开支,花钱对你而言简直就是在浪费时间和精力。 |
Apart from playing golf, what else have you done?
除了打高尔夫球,您还从事什么职业? |
Apart from reviewing the past, we should, more importantly, look to the future and come up with new ideas and new initiatives for jointly promoting economic development in the Asia-Pacific and the whole world and for strengthening cooperation among APEC m
我们在回顾过去的同时,更应展望未来,共同为促进亚太地区和全球经济的发展,为加强成员间的合作提出新思路,探索新途径。 |
Apart from some downright record-setting attempts, like making the world's longest spring roll, the era also saw two Malaysians conquer Everest and another sail round the world.
除了一些纯粹为了创纪录的企图,像制作世界最长的春卷、当代也有两位马来西亚人征服珠穆朗玛峰,还有环球航行。 |
Apart from some subtle badges, the only clue to the car's dual life is the presence of two fuel caps.
除了一些很细微的标记外,唯一对这种双燃料车的标识就是两个燃料插销。 |