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Natla: The Gods favor action, not council.

Native speakers speak quickly. Practicing as quickly as possible lets you sound more natural, and more like a native speaker. It also will increase your listening comprehension. 以英语为母语的人说话都很快。最快速地操练让你说起话来更自然,更像一个以英语为母语的人,而且还会提高你的听力能力。
Native voice-over IP, and integrated clan support. 当地语言的语音支援,更先进的战团管理系统。
Nativists fret about America's inability to secure its own borders. 本土主义者抱怨美国对自己边境管理的无能。
Natla and I understand each other. 纳特拉和我彼此信任。
Natla: It takes Three to rule. 纳特拉:这要用三样东西来完成。
Natla: The Gods favor action, not council. 纳特拉:神偏爱行动,而不是开会。
Natla: This pyramid breeds far more than the soldiers you've faced. With the Scion, I now have the means to create anything I desire. 纳特拉:这个金字塔能培育的可不仅仅是你看见的这些东西。有了祭司盎,我现在可以随心所欲地培养我想要的了。
Natla:Ah, Monsieur Dupont, you have something to report? 纳特拉:啊,皮埃尔先生,你有什么要报告的吗?
Natla:Good afternoon,Miss Croft. 纳特拉:下午好,克劳馥女士。
Natla:How far are you willing to go to find out, Lara? 纳特拉:你想花多少时间去发掘呢,劳拉?
Natla:It holds far more that. All the knowledge of the Ancients; things none of could even comprehend. 纳特拉:岂止是历史而已。所有远古的信息。那可不是你能理解得来的。

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