If found, such bottlenecks would indicate an external shock to the ecosystem.
如果找到,这个瓶颈现象就意味着当时的生态环境曾受到一种来自外界的强大冲击。 |
If free moisture loss at 105 degree centigrade as finally determined pursuant exceeds the guaranteed maximum of 8% stated herein, seller shall pay buyer full of actual freight attribute to moisture content over 8% for fine.
如进行最终105摄氏度测量时水分流失超过8%的,鉴于湿度最多不超过8%的保证,卖方应处以罚款,支付买方全额实际发生的货运费用。 |
If free neck movement was considered to be the primary goal of treatment, most parents were satisfied with the results.
这种解剖构造的改变与出生后颅顔部骨骼柔软,容易因睡姿不良而变型有关。 |
If from a species that gose through a period of heat or rut,you do not go into heat.
即使你所属的物种会发情的话你自己也还是不会。 |
If from this day hence, you do not kill or cause to be killed any cattle, pig, poultry, dog, turtle, or other animal, but do your utmost to teach others not to kill, you may atone for your crimes.
如果从今天开始,你再也不杀或叫人去杀牛、猪、狗、龟、家禽等生灵,并且尽力劝说别人不杀生,你就能消减你的罪业。 |
If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer.
如果你皱着眉头,我可以知道你不是在做梦! |
If frown is shown then I will know that you are not a dreamer.
如果你皱着眉头,我可以知道你不是在做梦! |
If frown ishown then I will know that you are not a dreamer.
如果你皱着眉头,我可以知道你不是在做梦! |
If full salvation you would gain, Keep holding on, keep holding on; To conquer sins that bring you pain, Keep holding on, keep holding on.
要成彻底得救之事,那就坚持,唯有坚持;欲至涤罪脱苦之日,也要坚持,也唯坚持。 |
If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness.
如果乐趣和愉快对等于幸福那么痛苦就一定对等于不幸福。 |
If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness.
如果娱乐和快乐等同于幸福的话,那么痛苦必然等同于不幸福。 |