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As a special corporative form, forest Cooperative System, with the help from the government, has play an important role in the development of Japan's regional forestry.

As a sort of original abroad and cheap raw material, cellulose has a promising prospect in alcohol fermentation. 摘要纤维素是一种来源广泛、成本低廉的原料,将其应用到发酵酒精工业,具有广阔的发展前景。
As a soul approaches completion of the solar cycle the personality becomes more many-sided, expressing greater portions of the individuality. 当一个灵魂趋向于太阳循环的完成,这个人格就越来越多面化,表达出个性的更多部分。
As a sovereign nation, the tribe will have the right to tax, form a government and enforce its own laws, but it cannot ignore state laws. 作为享有自治权的民族,玛许比将有权征税、组成政府并适用自治法律,当然前提是不能与州法冲突。
As a speaker, writer and leader, she continues to advocate the cause of equal opportunity for women around the world. 作为一名讲演者、撰稿人和领袖,她继续推动全世界女性获得平等机会这项事业。
As a special accommodation, we agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once. 作为通融,我方同意你方采用付款交单方式,但仅此一次。
As a special corporative form, forest Cooperative System, with the help from the government, has play an important role in the development of Japan's regional forestry. 摘要森林组合作为一种特殊的企业形态,在政府的扶植下对日本地域林业的发展发挥了重要的作用。
As a special culture phenomenon, martial arts has many values, mainly including bodybuilding and healthy-keeping value, values of entertainment and performance, self-defense, culture and education, economy, and cultural exchanges. 武术运动作为一种社会特殊文化现象,主要有健身养生、娱乐与表演、自卫防身、文化教育、经济、文化交流等价值。
As a special favour, I'll let you stay up late tonight. 作为对你的特殊眷顾,今晚我让你晚睡。
As a special financial community, city commercial band is playing a more and more important role in effect on local economic development. 摘要城市商业银行作为特殊的金融群体,在地方经济发展中的地位越来越重要。
As a special form of defaults in performance, temporary impossibility should sake the approach of substantive law and not take the approach of an action. 摘要作为给付障碍的一种特殊形态,一时给付不能应当采取实体法解决进路,而不应当采取诉讼法解决途径。
As a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales pushing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales. 作为特别鼓励,推销我们考虑接受付款叫丹付款条件,相信这将方便你们努力推销。

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