I see myself as a flexible, practical person.
我把自己看为适应性强,讲求实际的人。 |
I see myself as a hopeless optimist.
现在自己要乐观地看世界也越来越难。 |
I see myself inside a field for the time being.
在那时我将看到自己还在场内。 |
I see no end to this misery except in the grave .
我看不出这苦难何时能了,除非进入墓穴。 |
I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 |
I see no humor in your remarks.
我看不出你的话有什麽幽默。 |
I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.
我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。 |
I see no objection whatsoever.
我没有任何异议。 |
I see no occasion for telling her.
我看不出有告诉她的缘由。 |
I see no reason why not, but I need a pair of goggles .
我看没什么不可以的不过我需要一付护目镜。 |
I see no reason why not.
我看不出有什么理由不这样。 |