The Chief Concierge or Bell Captain will then complete Transportation Vouchers for guests' signature. (or assign a Bellman to send Transportation Vouchers to guests' rooms for signatures if guests are in .
礼宾部主管或行李员领班将确定是否有车,然后将客人的要求记录在用车日志中. |
The Chief Concierge or Bell Captain will then complete Transportation Vouchers for guests' signature. (or assign a Bellman to send Transportation Vouchers to guests' rooms for signatures if guests are in the rooms.
礼宾部主管或行李员领班将及时填写用车单以便客人签名(如果客人在房间内,可安排行李员将用车费用单送到客人房间以便其签名). |
The Chief Executive in Council made an Order to provide for a temporary exemption from the environmental permit requirement for operating the Shenzhen section of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge (SSBB), allowing SSBB to open to traffic when the new cross-boundary
行政长官会同行政会议颁发豁免令,暂时豁免深圳湾公路大桥深圳段须领有环境许可证方可营办的规定,让深圳湾公路大桥深圳段在深圳湾口岸过境通道启用当日即时运作。 |
The Chief Executive is the most prominent member in Hong Kong.
行政特别区首长是香港最出色及最重要的人。 |
The Chief Executive must consult the Executive Council before dissolving the Legislative Council.
行政长官在解散立法会前,须征询行政会议的意见。 |
The Chief Justice appointed a Working Party in February 2000 to review the civil rules and procedures of High Court.
终审法院首席法官于2000年2月成立工作小组,检讨高等法院的民事诉讼规则和程序。 |
The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may be investigated only for inability to discharge his or her duties, or for misbehaviour, by a tribunal appointed by the Chief Executive and consisting of not
香港特别行政区终审法院的首席法官只有在无力履行职责或行为不检的情况下,行政长官才可任命不少于五名当地法官组成的审议庭进行审议,并可根据其建议,依照本法规定的程序,予以免职。 |
The Chief Scout's Award is the highest award in the Scout Section, aiming at developing leadership and a sense of responsibility.
总领袖奖章是童军支部最高之奖章,目的是考验及增强责任心及领导才。 |
The Chief knocks at Ali Baba's door.
(头领敲响了阿里巴巴的房子的门。) |
The Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation.
警察局长坚决否认这个指控。 |
The Chief of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has confirmed that North Korea has shut down its sole functioning nuclear reactor.
联合国原子能监督机构总干事已经证实,朝鲜已经关闭其唯一一个工作的核反应堆。 |