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A Survey of the Changes of Serum Inorganic Salts and Alkaline Phosphatase after Jaw Fractures;

Preparation and performance analysis of synthetic bio-diesel oil; 合成生物柴油的配制及性能分析与研究
Influence of amount of sulfur on crosslinking density and structure of natural rubber characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; 核磁共振法表征硫黄用量对天然橡胶交联密度及结构的影响
On the assessment methodology and standards for nutrition status in channel type reservoirs based on zoning of eutrophication sensitivity; 河道型水库基于敏感性分区的营养状态标准与评价方法研究
Construction and identification of a eukaryotic expression vector for the small interfering RNA targeting nucleostemin gene; 核干细胞因子基因siRNA表达载体的构建及鉴定
The causes of weight loss in jaw fracture patients and the nursing measures; 颌骨骨折病人体重下降的原因及护理
A Survey of the Changes of Serum Inorganic Salts and Alkaline Phosphatase after Jaw Fractures; 颌骨骨折后血清无机盐及碱性磷酸酶的变化及意义
Effect of two kinds of diet nursing of jaw fracture patients after underwent internal fixation; 颌骨骨折内固定术后两种饮食护理的效果观察
Clinical evaluation of titanium plate osteosynthesis in maxillofacial fracture; 颌骨骨折钛板内固定的临床评价
Clinical practice of mandible fracture by rigid internal fixation with small clamping plank under intermaxillay elastic traction; 颌间弹性牵引下小夹板坚固内固定治疗下颌骨骨折的临床应用
Therapeutic effects of capsule Huoluoshugan on schistosomal hepatocirrhosis; 和络舒肝胶囊治疗血吸虫病肝硬化临床观察
Clinical application of CT 3-D reconstruction technique in maxillofacial; 颌面部螺旋CT扫描三维重建技术的临床应用

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