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The characteristics of the reactive extrusion synthesis technique of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and the devolatilization technique for PLA are introduced, and the key point and influence factor of the devolatilization in during the synthesis by reactive ext

The characteristics of the annual period of absorbing shortwave radiation on sea surface are remarkable in Nansha and Xisha, with the maximum appearing in the winter-half year. 南沙和西沙海面吸收短波辐射年周期特征明显,极大值出现在冬半年。
The characteristics of the microclimate of mountain in western part of Zhejiang province of China were analyzed by using the spatial series, that is from Wuling square in Hangzhou, Donghu campus in Zhejiang Forest College to evergreen broadleaved forest i 摘要采取两个空间序列,即杭州武林广场-东湖校区-天目山常绿阔叶林和天目山毛竹林-紫楠林-柳杉林,研究海拔和森林植被类型驱动下山地小气候的日进程。
The characteristics of the missile troops are analyzed and the comprehensive evaluation system is established to examine the troops quantitatively. 摘要分析导弹营的工作特点,建立了导弹营量化考核综合评价指标体系。
The characteristics of the packed goods are convenient storage, not dilapidation easily and lowering the packaging cost. 包装后的物品具备储运方便,不易破损,降低包装成本作用。
The characteristics of the poetry putting sentences in criticism mainly embody in three aspects, positivism, details criticism, perceptual and rational unity. 古代诗歌摘句批评的特徵则主要体现在实证性、细部批评性、感性与理性的统一性三个方面。
The characteristics of the reactive extrusion synthesis technique of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and the devolatilization technique for PLA are introduced, and the key point and influence factor of the devolatilization in during the synthesis by reactive ext 摘要主要介绍了反应挤出合成聚乳酸的技术特点和脱挥技术应用;分析了反应挤出合成过程中脱挥处理的关键点和影响因素。
The characteristics of the reform include that Geometric curriculum still possesses traditional axiom system, direct Geometry which cares students' development and the goal of Geometric study become polarization. 改革的特征是:几何课程仍然具有传统的公理化体系;关注学生发展的直观几何;几何课程学习的目标两极化。
The characteristics of the surface of the ultrafine TiO2 such as wetability, the sediment volume before and after modification are discussed. 讨论了改性前后超微二氧化钛的润湿性、沉降体积等表面性质的变化。
The characteristics of the three methods are compared, the anticorrosion performance together with mechanism of the polyaniline anticorrosive coatings are simply described, and the next works are indicated. 对聚苯胺防腐涂料的防腐性能与防腐机理进行简单介绍,并指出了聚苯胺防腐涂料下一步应开展的工作。
The characteristics of this book are mentioned on the cover and in the preface. 本书的特色在封面和前言 都有提及.
The characteristics of this disease are discussed in this paper and the view from plastic surgeon will be emphasized. 本疾病之特性将为讨论,并强调整形外科医师之观点。

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