This effect is obvious at lower frequency band.
这种效应在振动低频区段更为显著。 |
This effect is seen as a deviation from the uniform Hubble expansion of the galaxies and provides a measure of the mean density within the Virgo Supercluster.
这作用被视为背离银河哈勃膨胀的统一而提供对室女座超星系团内平均密度的测量。 |
This effect may be reinforced by other developments.
这个影响也许会被因他方面的发展而深化。 |
This effect may be the result of window dressing by the fund managing companies.
这种现象可能与基金的窗饰效应有关。 |
This effect occurs because the magnetism in the material is generated by innumerable magnetic atoms, like a host of tiny bar magnets, all roughly aligned but randomly fluctuating like compass needles being jiggled about.
这是因为材料的磁性是由无数个磁性原子所产生的,就像一群微小的块状磁铁,它们虽大致排齐但仍不规则,就像罗盘的指针一样不停晃动。 |
This effect was manifest after 2 weeks and persisted for at least 8 weeks of dietary treatment.
此增强效果在喂食两周后开始显现并持续了八周。 |
This effect, known as gravitational redshift, is not specific to black holes.
这种称做重力红移的效应,并不是黑洞所特有。 |
This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.
他们说,这种温室效应在使两极冰盖消退的同时,也使地球平均气温升高,海平面上升。 |
This effectively mirrors the linked duplicate with respect to the Object's center, hence the importance of keeping the center on the plane of symmetry.
这实际上是相对于该对象的中心镜象连接复制,从而维持以对称面为中心的重要性。 |
This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side.
她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。 |
This effervescent, fruit-laced concoction was first devised at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy during World War II.
这款果味浓郁的泡腾饮料二战时发明于意大利威尼斯的哈里斯酒吧,它叫什么名字? |