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Article 10. A service fee of one percent of the amount of tax withheld shall be paid to the withholding agents.

Article 10 When the mode of the management, the scope of the business, the name of the business, the address of the business, the approved layout of the building, the legal representative or responsible persons for business operations are changed, those w 第十条开办特种行业和公共场所的单位变更经营方式、经营范围、单位名称、单位地址、核定的布局设施、法定代表人或者经营负责人的,应当自变更之日起十五日内向原发证的公安部门备案。
Article 10 Where there is a change to any registered items of the manufacturer, or where there is a merger, transfer of ownership, dissolution or discontinuance, the manufacturer shall apply to the competent tax collection authority for amendment or cance 第10条产制厂商申请登记之事项有变更,或产制厂商合并、转让、解散或废止时,应于事实发生之日起十五日内向主管稽徵机关申请变更或注销登记,并缴清应纳税款。
Article 10 Where trust property shall be registered according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations for the establishment of a trust, such property shall be registered. 第十条设立信托,对于信托财产,有关法律、行政法规规定应当办理登记手续的,应当依法办理信托登记。
Article 10 Where two or more natural persons, legal entities or other organisations have jointly invented a layout-design, the exclusive rights therein are owned according to what is agreed upon by the co-operating persons or parties; where no agreement i 第十条两个以上自然人、法人或者其他组织合作创作的布图设计,其专有权的归属由合作者约定;未作约定或者约定不明的,其专有权由合作者共同享有。
Article 10, registration of immovables shall be in the charge of registering department to which immovables belong. 第十条不动产登记,由不动产所在地的登记机构办理。
Article 10. A service fee of one percent of the amount of tax withheld shall be paid to the withholding agents. 第十条对扣缴义务人按照所扣缴的税款,付给百分之一的手续费。
Article 10. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void. 第十条采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的合同无效。
Article 10. Harbour superintendency administration shall be responsible for the investigation of the maritime traffic accidents which happen in the waters of their respective harhour areas. 第十条在港区水域内发生的海上交通事故,由港区地的港务监督进行调查。
Article 10. Once a contract of insurance is concluded, the Insurer shall not terminate it during its currency. 第十条保险合同一经成立,保险方不得在保险有效期内终止合同。
Article 10. Pollutant-discharge units being ordered to handle their pollution problems by a prescribed time should make periodic reports to environmental protection authorities on the progress made. 第十条被责令限期治理的排污单位,应当定期向环境保护部门报告治理进度。
Article 10. The State shall encourage managing units and units that utilise gold and silver to recover gold and silver from associated mineral ores and from residual liquid and solid wastes. 第十条国家鼓励经营单位和使用金银的单位,从伴生金银的矿种和含金银的废渣、废液、废料中回收金银。

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