Week of Matron: Double growth for Matro and Matriarchs.
女王周:女王产量加倍。 |
Week of Matron: Double growth for Matrons and Matriarchs.
女王周:女王产量加倍。 |
Week of Meditation: Mana regeneratio rate doubled.
冥想周:魔力恢复加倍。 |
Week of Meditation: Mana regeneration rate doubled.
冥想周:魔力恢复加倍。 |
Week of Pit Lord: Double growth for Pit Fiends and Pit Lords.
深渊领主周:深渊领主产量加倍。 |
Week of Pixie: Double growth for Pixies and Sprites.
小精灵周:小精灵产量加倍。 |
Week of Unicorn: Double growth for Unicor and attle Unicor .
独角兽周:独角兽产量加倍。 |
Week of Unicorn: Double growth for Unicorns and Battle Unicorns.
独角兽周:独角兽产量加倍。 |
Week of Vampire: Double growth for Vampire and Vampire Lords.
吸血鬼周:吸血鬼产量加倍。 |
Week of Vampire: Double growth for Vampires and Vampire Lords.
吸血鬼周:吸血鬼产量加倍。 |
Week of Water: Ice ell damage increased y 50% during attle. Amount of ummoned Water Elemental increase y 50%.
水之周:战斗中,所有冰系魔法伤害增加50%。所有水元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 |