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Beijing VBH Construction Hardware Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of VBH Holding AG, the largest European Integrator of construction hardware and Beijing JinYu group, one of the 520 key enterprises of the state.

Beijing Tsinghua Unisplendour Solar Energy Technology Research Center is an integrated corporation with perfect manufacturing,marketing and follow-up services system.It is attended to the technological development of new sources of energy ,such as solar w 北京清华紫光太阳能技术研究所是致力于太阳能热水器、太阳能集热工程、太阳能光伏等新能源的技术开发,产品生产、市场营销及完善的售后服务为一体的综合型企业,公司集清华大学的特殊优势和17年的市场积累,以品牌、资源及资金为发展支点,开发绿色节能产品,特别是太阳能热水器和太阳能大型集热工程的应用技术,凭借对科技成果产业化的管理能力和经验,逐步发展成为较具规模和引导行业技术发展的企业。
Beijing United Technology Corporation Ltd. is superior in solving industrial problems by using vortex tube and air amplification technology. 放大技术为工业系统提供最佳解决方案的高新技术公司。
Beijing United Technology Corporation Ltd. is superior in solving industrial problems by using vortex tube and air amplification technology.Our business has been aimed at application of domestic and foreign innovative air-powered products for industrial c 北京华朋联创科技有限公司是利用先进的空气涡流和增流放大技术为工业系统提供最佳解决方案的高新技术公司,我们致力于以国内外新型气动产品解决工业系统的冷却、静电清除、现场清理、乾燥和传送等方面的工业技术难题。
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology and other brother institutions also came in the meeting hall. 北航、北理工等其他北京兄弟院校也陆续来到了会场。
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology and other brother universities also came in the meeting hall. 北航、北理工等其他北京兄弟院校也陆续来到了会场。
Beijing VBH Construction Hardware Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of VBH Holding AG, the largest European Integrator of construction hardware and Beijing JinYu group, one of the 520 key enterprises of the state. 北京威必驰建筑五金有限公司是欧洲最大的建筑系统集成商德国威必驰控股集团和中国520户重点企业之一的北京金隅集团的合资公司。
Beijing West station wistaria hostel is the largest railway guest houses! Groups and individuals may receive accommodation! 北京西站紫藤招待所是全国最大的铁路招待所!可接待团体及个人住宿!
Beijing Wintertime Real Estate Trade Fair as a final event of the year, it has become the “Christmas” for Beijing's developer and consumer since 1999. 作为首都房地产市场的年度大盘点,北京冬季房地产展示交易会1999年横空出世,经过多年的发展,已经成为京城购房族的“圣诞饕餮大餐”。
Beijing YuLin Travel Training School came into operation in 94, training contents involved in tourism, language, art, computer, training items involved in acquire certificate, amelioration, trained people include of children, youths, adults even managers 北京市育林旅游培训学校于九四年成立,培训内容遍及旅游、语言、艺术、电脑,培训项目涉及取证辅导、综合提高、就业推荐,培训对象从学龄前的儿童到青少年到成人,甚至是公司的老总或经理。
Beijing ZhengRong Communication Networks Technology Co. Ltd. wish have cooperation with old and new users, carve out the new and wealthy future. 北京正荣网际科技有限公司希望与新老客户一起,共同合作。以多赢的空间与我们的伙伴们一起开拓新的明天。
Beijing ZhongGuang International Travel Service Co., Ltd. was established in 1999 with its registered capital RMB1,500,000 and guaranteed capital RMB600,000. It was granted by China National Tourist Administration. 北京中广国际旅行社有限责任公司成立于1999年,是经过国家旅游局批准,在工商局登记注册,注册资本150万元,全额缴纳质量保证金60万元的国际旅行社。

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