On one occasion, which either Plutarch himself or one of his colleagues witnessed, temple authorities forced the Pythia to prophesy on an inauspicious day to please the members of an important embassy.
有一次,普鲁塔克本人或其他同伴看到,神殿方面强求皮媞亚在一个不吉之日做预言,以取悦某重要的使节团员。 |
On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.
4耶稣和他们聚集的时候、嘱咐他们说、不要离开耶路撒冷、要等候父所应许的、就是你们听见我说过的。 |
On one particular shopping excursion, we decided to break into different groups and meet up after an hour.
在某次购物的行程中,我们决定分成不同的「组」分开行动,在一个小时后会合。 |
On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.
在大路的一边,盖起了一幢新教学楼。 |
On one side of the yard, Grandma and Grandpa planted tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers, peppers and strawberries to feed their growing family.
奶奶和爷爷在院子的一边种上番茄、豆子、南瓜、黄瓜、辣椒和草莓,供应这个大家庭的吃用。 |
On one side there was a meadow and on the other face, just behind the willow there was a big pond.
长椅的一面是一片草地,长椅的另一面,也就是柳树的后面有一片池塘。 |
On one view, you think how can we fit more people, cars and houses into this country, England in particular.
一个观点是,我们如何适合更多人,房子和汽车,特别是英国。 |
On one wall there is a bookcase that reaches up to the celling.
在一面墙上有一个书架一直伸至天花板处。 |
On or around October 17th, according to the Census Bureau's population clock, the number of people in the country will hit 300m, up from 200m in 1967.
根据人口统计局的人口计量仪测算,在10月17日或此日前后,美国的人口数将突破3亿,与1967年时的2亿相比,更上一层。 |
On or before the [22nd] day after the end of each calendar quarter, the Licensee shall provide a statement of the Licensee Revenue received during such quarter and the amount of the Royalty payable in respect of such Licensee Revenue (the Statement).
在每一季度结束后的22天或之前,被许可方应提供在此季度所得被许可方收入的报告以及基于此被许可方收入应支付的使用费数额。 |
On order for 100 pieces or more we are allow a special discount for 1.5%.
如果我方定单在100件或者更多,我方要求1.5%的折扣。 |