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Note that debug hooks cannot track this type of hook.

Note that an execution of a process can involve multiple concurrent paths of execution. 注意:一个流程的执行可以包括多个并发的执行路径。
Note that bounding overwatch is used not only when moving to contact, but also when contact has been made. 记住,掩护跃进不只是在交火前使用,交战当中也应该使用。
Note that by logging the transformations made in the software, the architect can present the changes to the software crew responsible for maintenance. 通过把变更信息记录在由软件生成的日志中,构架师可以将软件的变更信息直接呈现给软件维护人员。
Note that chlorophyll absorbs light mostly in the blue and red ends of the visible spectrum, and very little in the green wavelengths. 从中,我们可以看到,叶绿素大量吸收可见光中的蓝色和红色光极。
Note that corrective action needs the input of a competent person and its scope includes trend analysis and prevention of recurrence. 请注意纠正措施需有具备一定能力的人员的输入,且其范围包括趋势分析及防止再发生的措施。
Note that debug hooks cannot track this type of hook. 注意:调试钩子不能跟踪该类型的钩子。
Note that elements are only processed when they have been selected by the execution of an instruction. 注意,只有当元素被执行的指令所选中时才会被处理。
Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. 注意:折叠是一个与地域无关的行为。
Note that for flexibility, assignment is not part of the life cycle. 注意对适应性、委派不是生命周期的组成部分。
Note that from the first the gain is 6 each time we go around . In other words, when we have traveled six times around we have gained 36 . 注意到了吧,从第一个循环开始,每次循环之间我们增加6。也就是说,当这种循环进行6次后,我们可以得到“36”。
Note that in areas of monocline dip the closure of a trap may not be the same as its structural relief. 值得注意的是,在只有单斜地层的构造内,圈闭的幅度可能与构造的起伏不一样。

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