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He might have been killed but for the arrival of the police.

He might be the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry. 他可能是今天新闻发布会的发言人。
He might be too busy to come. 也许他今天太忙不来了。
He might decide it's cheaper to hire somebody to kill you than to keep paying you off the rest of your life. 他有可能狠下心来雇用一个人来把你杀了它要比不断付给你钱付到你老死为止要便宜得多。
He might foray our lands. 他可能会夺占我们的田地。
He might h***e caught the inflection of her panic. 他很可能为她的恐惧所传染。
He might have been killed but for the arrival of the police. 若不是警察及时赶到,他会被杀死的.
He might have been surprised if he had know the truth. 如果他知道了真相,他可能会感到吃惊。(事实上他不知道事实的真相。)
He might have called you, but he lost your phone number. 他本来可以给你打电话的,但是他把你的电话号码弄丢了。
He might have caught the inflection of her panic. 他很可能为她的恐惧所传染。
He might have had the grace to say he was sorry! 他本可以出於礼貌说声抱歉的嘛。
He might just as well believe that white is black. 他或许倒不如相信白的就是黑的。

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