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Captain: As long as we could get away from this area before that.

Captain, round up some guests! 队长,召集一些宾客来!
Captain: Alarm! Everyone take position. Send out distress signal and ask for help from vessels nearby! 船长:拉响警报,全体船员各就各位,发出求救信号,向附近船只通告。
Captain: All right. Go inside, clean up, change your clothes , children. 舰长:好的。孩子进去,洗乾净,更换你们的衣服。
Captain: And return to the Abbey! 舰长:回修道院去吧!
Captain: And you've brought the music back to the house. I'd forgotten. Fraulein, I, I want you to stay. I ask you to stay. 上校:你把音乐带回家中,我都忘了音乐。弗劳伦,我想叫你留下来,我请你留下。
Captain: As long as we could get away from this area before that. 船长:但愿我们的船能在风暴来临前驶出这个区域。
Captain: Fraulein I want you to stay. 舰长:芙瑞莉,我要妳留下来。
Captain: Fraulein, I, I behaved badly. I apologize. 上校:弗劳伦,我,我刚才表现粗鲁,我向你道歉。
Captain: Fraulein, you will stay here, please. 舰长:芙瑞莉,请妳留在这儿!
Captain: Full left rudder! Full left rudder! Do you hear me?! 船长:左满舵,左满舵,听见了吗?
Captain: I am placing you in command . 舰长:我要你来监督。

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