Genetic control is critical for maintaining variability and avoidance of inbreeding, ensuring the long-term viability of captive nonhuman primate colonies.
对非人灵长类动物种群实行遗传学控制,对于维持种群的遗传多样性,提高动物长期的生存力和繁殖率,满足医学生物学实验需要具有现实意义。 |
Genetic engineering on humans is baned in many countries.
人的基因改造工程在很多国家是被禁止的。。 |
Genetic engineering should allow people to lead healthier, happier lives and add decades to our life span.
基因工程应该让人类拥有更健康,更快乐的生活,还会延长我们的寿命。 |
Genetic engineering techniques bypass crossbreeding barriers between species to enable gene transfer between widely differing organisms.
遗传工程可突破物种间的杂交繁殖障碍,使基因在自然界不同物种间迁移。 |
Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.
遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响. |
Genetic engineers have spent 20 years trying to create a type of yeast that can ferment xylose on an industrial scale. So far, they've failed.
基因工程师已花费二十年时间来尝试制作一种酵母,它能在工业规模上使木糖发酵。但至今为止,他们并未成功。 |
Genetic factors are important in the development of most autoimmune diseases.
基因在大部分自动免疫疾病的发展上都是重要的因素。 |
Genetic improvement of short-duration varieties has a great potential for high yielding.
改良小日月品种的基因对高产有很大潜力。 |
Genetic information is special because it alone can make copies of itself.
遗传信息的特殊之处在于它可以独自自我复制。 |
Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry, which uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighing drugs.
基因信息是目前正蓬勃发展的生物科技工业的原料;此工业利用人类DNA制造特化蛋白质,这些蛋白质或许可作为治病药物之用。 |
Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry, which uses human DNA to bulid specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs.
基因信息是目前正蓬勃发展的生物科技工业的原料;此工业利用人类DNA制造特化蛋白质,而这些蛋白质或许可作为治病药物之用。 |