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I still dread all my sufferings, for I know you will not hold me innocent.

I still don't know which car to buy but I've got it down to a short list of three. 我仍不能决定买什么车,但我已选了3辆出来以便作最后的抉择。
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. 我仍不认为自己会再去经历另一段爱情故事。
I still don't understand what you mean. 我还是弄不懂你是什么意思。
I still don\'t think I\'m gonna make it through another love story. 没有了,永远也不会再有了,那刻骨铭心的爱恋.
I still dont think Im going to make it through another love story. 我仍不认为自己会再去经历另一段爱情故事。
I still dread all my sufferings, for I know you will not hold me innocent. 28我因愁苦而惧怕、知道你必不以我为无辜。
I still feel the same about it. 我对此事看法仍和原来一样。
I still had the hot and cold running under the skin. 我依然可以感受到在皮肤下有热的或冷的东西在移动。
I still had the previous symptoms. 我仍旧有着以前的症状。
I still have a book of yours. 我还有你的一本书。
I still have a whole basket of woolen clothes and fur coats and a suit to wash. 我还有一大筐毛料、皮衣服和西服要洗呢。

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