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Jane : OK, and let's get right to the front. You get the best view of all from there.

Jana persuaded them to form a growing collective that now includes 60,000 members pledged to condom use. 迦纳说服性工作者组成团体,这个团体不断成长,现在已经有六万名成员,成员保证自己都会使用保险套。
Jane , Jane ... you strange almost unearthly thing . You that i love as my own flesh. 简,简,你这古怪,几乎不像是在人间的小东西。我爱你就像爱自己的心。
Jane , let him have the toy. 珍,把那玩具给他。
Jane : A bit grim, because we hit a lot of turbulence about an hour from touchdown. 珍:有点难受,因为降落前一小时左右,遇上不少乱流。
Jane : I like computers and sports. 珍:我喜欢电脑和运动。
Jane : OK, and let's get right to the front. You get the best view of all from there. 珍:好吧,我们不妨坐到最前面。那里看景物最好不过。
Jane Austen need not have feared. 简·奥斯汀不需要担心。
Jane Austen's authentic representation of early-nineteenth-century middle-class provincial life, written with forceful insight and gentle irony, makes her novels the enduring works on the mores and manners of her time. 珍.奥斯汀忠实呈现十九世纪初中产阶级的粗野生活,笔触带有深刻的洞察以及轻描淡写的讽喻,让她的小说得以流传永久,让我们看见她年代的道德观以及生活方式。
Jane Eyre is celled as the representative work of early British female literature. 摘要《简?爱》被称作英国早期女性文学的代表作。
Jane Eyre is one of the classic novels published in the 19th century. 摘要《简?爱》是英国十九世纪出版发行的古典名著之一。
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bront? 's masterpiece, is a classic novel about love. This paper provides an appreciation of the novel through the analyzing of the images of fire and ice. 摘要《简?爱》是女作家夏洛蒂?勃郎特的代表作,是一部经典的爱情小说。文章通过分析小说中“火”与“冰”的意象来展示这部经典的爱情巨作。

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