Be sure to keep your exercise books neat and clean!
练习本要保持整洁和干净。 |
Be sure to live in such a way that you can leave the world laughing, while everybody else are crying.
请这样活下去吧:当你笑着离开这个世界时,每个人都哭。 |
Be sure to look into travel opportunities that will provide you with mental stimulation.
如果旅行的机会能带来精神鼓励的话为什么不呢。 |
Be sure to obey regulations related to campsite selection.
必须遵守营地选择相关的规章。 |
Be sure to place the loader's .EXE file in the same directory as the main executable file.
确保引导程序与主程序文件在同一个目录下。 |
Be sure to put down its make, brand and serial number.
务必写清楚它的产地、品牌和编号。 |
Be sure to read the full interview in Electronic Gaming Monthly #181, for more details on Snake Eater, Metal Gear Acid, and the Metal Gear comic book!
看《电子游戏月刊》181期,有全部的访谈,更多的吃蛇细节,酸齿轮,和齿轮漫画! |
Be sure to read the instructions carefully, as once you close the window, that text is gone forever.
建议细心地阅读说明,因为一旦你关掉窗口则那些说明就将永远消失。 |
Be sure to record your experience in your ritual diary.
假如你有失眠的困扰,在睡前可以躺在床上做这个练习代替服用药物。 |
Be sure to rob all areas of the hands for about 10 to 15 seconds.
要确保手的所有地方都被搓到10-15秒。 |
Be sure to send me a postcard and take lots of pictures.
一定要给我寄张明信片,多拍一些照片。 |