No derogation from the preceding provisions shall be made by special agreements between Powers one of which is restricted, even temporarily, in its freedom to negotiate with the other Power or its allies by reason of military events, more particularly whe
各国间订立特别协定,如其中一国因军事关系,特别是因其领土之大部或全部被占领,以致该国与其他一国或其盟国谈判之自由受限制,即或是暂时的,本公约上列规定不得因该项特别协定而有所减损。 |
No descendents to show reverence to ancestors.
没有后代对祖先表现敬畏和尊敬。 |
No designated production enterprise of ephedrine shall expand the production scale of ephedrine in the form of technology transfer, joint management or establishing branch plant without the approval of the state department of pharmaceutical administration
未经国家药品管理部门批准,麻黄素定点生产企业不得以技术转让、联营、设分厂等形式扩大麻黄素的生产规模。 |
No designated production enterprise shall overproduce ephedrine beyond the plan in violation of state provisions.
任何定点生产企业不得违反国家规定超计划生产麻黄素。 |
No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.
我击杀埃及地头生的时候,灾殃必不临到你们身上灭你们。 |
No details from the dorsal view are evident.
显然背面景像没有详细的细节。 |
No details were immediately available on her meetings with Israelis, but Rice had indicated she would be discussing on how to ease restricions on the movement and goods of people in and out Palestinian areas, specially the Gaza Strip, which has been close
她与以色列方面的会议细节没有立即透露,但是赖斯表示她将讨论如何减缓对巴勒斯坦地区货物输送以及人进出的限制,特别是加沙地带,这个已经关闭了大半年的区域。 |
No details were immediately available on her meetings with the Israelis, but Rice had indicated she would be discussing how to ease restrictions on the movement of goods and people in and out of Palestinian areas, especially the Gaza Strip, which has been
赖斯与以色列人的会议的详细情况并没有立即公布,但是她指出她会讨论如何在进出巴领土上放松对物资及人口的限制,特别是在加沙地区,而该地区已经和外界隔离了有近一年了。 |
No detergent can shift these stains.
任何清洁剂都不能除掉这些污迹。 |
No developer is allowed to sign up for more work in the coming iteration than he completed in the previous iteration.
不允许开发人员在下一个周期中承担比他上一个周期中所能完成的更多的工作。 |
No device in a publishing system is capable of reproducing the full range of colors viewable to the human eye.
没有任何一个出版系统设备是可以重建人眼可见的全部色彩范围。 |