Nicole: This jar will not open.
这个瓶子打不开。 |
Nicole:I'm allowed to take eight weeks. It'll give me a chance to recover and spend a lot of time caring for the baby.
妮可:我可以请八周产假。这给我康复的机会,还可以有很多时间照顾宝宝。 |
Nicole:Well, I want to go to Tahiti, but nothing's certain. Of course, I wanted to ask if I could take a little time off from work.
妮可︰嗯,我想去大溪地,但还不确定。当然啦,我想问我是不是可以休几天假。 |
Nicole:Yeah. Luckily the company has a very good policy on maternity leave.
妮可:对。还好公司有非常好的产假制度。 |
Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline,the “fight or flight”hormone .
最初尼古丁引起肾上腺素的快速释放,产生“打架或逃跑”激素。 |
Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.
尼古丁是一种使人吸烟上瘾的毒品。 |
Nicotine stays in breast milk for up to 5 hours after smoking.
抽完烟后尼古丁仍存留在母奶内可长达五个锺头。 |
Nida. Eugene A. The Theory and Practice of Translation [ M] .Leiden : E. J . Brill , 1969 :57.
朱永生.语法隐语理论的理据和贡献[J]外语教学与研究,2000(2):95-99. |
NieChengWen:Famous calligrapher, Shu Xie, vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Shuxie President.
聂成文:著名书法家,中国书协副主席,辽宁省书协主席。 |
Nieh, C.C. &J. B. Lin,“ Markov-Switching Analysis on Technology Uncertainty and Corporate Values --- The Case of Taiwan ,” Asian-Pacific Basin Economics, Finance and Accounting Conference Paper, 2002, September.
罗炜镫,林正宝,聂建中,「利率波动性与债券型基金净值之动态关系:台湾实证」,现代财务论坛,2003年5月。 |
Nieh, C.C. &J. B. Lin,”On the Relationship between Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Corporate Earnings --- Evidence from Taiwan ,” Asian-Pacific Basin Economics, Finance and Accounting Conference Paper, 2001, September.
林正宝、聂建中、范译仁,「技术不确定性与企业价值关系之研究」,知识与价值管理学术研讨会论文集,国立台北科技大学,页412-432,2002年12月。 |