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Direct simulation of Monte Carlo(DSMC) of rarefied gas flow in Crookes radiometer

Dioptry before surgery was from +. to +.D. 术前屈光度(+.~+.)D。
Diosmin(Ⅳ); 香叶木苷 (Ⅳ ) ;
Dipolaelaps ubsunaris Zemskaya et Piontkovskaya, 90, Hirstionyssus citelli Huang, 990; 乌苏地厉螨 Dipolaelapsubsunaris Zemskaya et Piontkovskaya,9 0 ; 黄鼠赫刺螨 H irstionyssus citelli Huang,990 ;
Direct Determination of Lauric Acid by GC 气相色谱法直接测定月桂酸
Direct Strength Method for the Design of Cold-Formed Lipped Channel Members 冷弯薄壁型钢构件的直接强度设计法
Direct simulation of Monte Carlo(DSMC) of rarefied gas flow in Crookes radiometer 热辐射计内稀薄气体流动的蒙特卡罗模拟
Directed toward pressure signals time varying and nonlinear feature,pressure signals wavelet transform reflected frequency varying feature of saltant point. 小波变换能针对气体压力信号的时变和非线性特征,充分反映出发动机气缸压力信号突变点附近的频变特性。
Directed Rooted Tree Structure of the Set of Perfect Matchings of Plane Bipartite Graphs and Its Generation 平面二部图的完美匹配集合上的有向根树结构及其生成
Directional Evolution of Enzymes in Vitro (Ⅰ) Technique for Generating Mutator Libraries and Its New Progress 酶体外定向进化(Ⅰ) 突变基因文库构建技术及其新进展
Directionalit analysis of chatter and measures for adjustment 切削颤振中的方向性分析及其调整措施
Directory scheme is used for the system of network juncture and snoopy protocol is used for the system of bus juncture. 基于目录的协议用于网络连接的系统,监听协议用于 总线连接的系统。

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