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Within forty minutes her head was coveded with tiny, closelying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.

Within established systems and procedural frameworks the jobholder will have the freedom to initiate any action designed to improve the contribution of his functional area to the effective management of the business. 在已建立的系统内部和程序上的工作范围内,该职位者有开展任何行动的自由,只要目的是提高部门的作用,有效的管理业务.
Within few years we plan to build a team of up to 300 members working for three industrial Sectors of Saint-Gobain: High Performance Materials,Flat Glass &Building Materials. 我们计划在今后的几年中,建成拥有300名成员,分别为圣戈班三大产业:高性能材料,平板玻璃和建筑材料服务的研发中心。
Within five minutes of the resumption, Didier Drogba had drilled Chelsea into the lead. 穆里尼奥很不满意队员在45分钟的表现,在下半场5分钟后,德罗巴进球让切尔西领先。
Within five years he had opened his own brokerage firm in Chicago called Gardner Rich. 短短五年之内,他就在芝加哥开创了一家名为加德纳·瑞奇的私人股票经纪公司。
Within five years, China must fulfill it commitment to comprehensively ban all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. 五年内,中国必须履行承诺,全面禁止各种形式的烟草广告、宣传和赞助。
Within forty minutes her head was coveded with tiny, closelying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy. 不出40分钟,她头上不满紧帖头皮的小卷发,变得活像一个逃学的小学生。
Within forty minutes her head was covered with tiny close lying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy. 不到四十分钟,她的头布满了小发卷,使她奇怪的变成了一个逃学的男孩儿。
Within four weeks, Japan's imperial armory in Tokyo had produced 30 perfect replicas of the bindings and delivered them to the country's first ski-infantry division. 在4周里,日本的天皇部队就在东京做了30个完美的复制品,并迅速发放给他们的国家的第一支雪地步兵师。
Within half a year of making their musical debut, Fahrenheit have sent their fans into a delirious fever. MING LEE warms up to the supersonic hot shots. 还不到半年的时间在他们发行专辑后﹐飞轮海已经造成一股热潮在他们的粉丝心目中了。明丽再次暖起了大家来访问著他们。
Within her is wrapped up the future of the race―it is hers to make or mar. 人类的未来取决于妇女自身──或成之或毁之全在她们。
Within hours of the October 2004 casting announcement Routh's name filled an endless array of Internet pages devoted to discussing his worthiness for the role. 在2004年10月角色宣布的数小时内,鲁斯的名字占满了无尽的一系列讨论他是否适合这一角色的互联网网页。

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