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Depending on the powerful R&D ability of the RCEES-CAS in technology. we have many advanced technologies in water purification, waste water treatment and water reclamation, for example: physic-chemical/bio-chemical integration technique, photo - catalysis

Depending on the merit of the case, the contract for an individual staff stated above may be terminated or may not be renewed. 根据事件的性质,责任人员的劳动合同可被中止或不再续签。
Depending on the nature of this event, the proportions of the different isotopes of any given elements are somewhat different. 基于这种特性,特定元素的同位素比例会有些许不同。
Depending on the number of repetitions, a “tit-for-tat” strategy, in which one plays cooperatively as long as one's competitor does the same, may be optimal for the repeated Prisoners' Dilemma. 针锋相对策略,取决于重复的次数,当一个参与者合作的竞争,只要他的竞争者也这么做,那么可能对于重复的囚犯困境来说就是最佳的。
Depending on the number of rounds and the trajectory used, Rounds Completecan sometimes come before the first round ever hits. 根据分配的炮弹量和使用的弹道,“炮击完毕”有时在第一发炮弹落地前已经完成。
Depending on the object shape, bounding spheres can also provide an efficient means of testing, or multiple overlapping spheres can be used to bound more complex objects. 根据物体形状,碰撞球体同样可以提供一种有效的检测方法或者用多个重叠球体来碰撞更多的复合体。
Depending on the powerful R&D ability of the RCEES-CAS in technology. we have many advanced technologies in water purification, waste water treatment and water reclamation, for example: physic-chemical/bio-chemical integration technique, photo - catalysis 公司技术上依托中科院生态环境研究中心的强大研发力量,在水质净化、废水处理与回用等方面拥有多项先进处理技术,如:光催化氧化技术、低温膜蒸馏浓缩脱盐技术、物化/生化集成技术等。
Depending on the reaction you get, take it from there. 根据你得到的反馈,可以做出一些推断。
Depending on the reason for the premarital check-up, many different kinds of tests are available. 这视乎婚前检查的目的何在,有不同类型的测试可供选择。
Depending on the relevant accounting standards, an intangible asset can be written off over time or all at once. 根据相关的会计核算标准,无形资产可逐渐冲销或一次性冲销。
Depending on the rules of the particular court, the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument. 依据具体法庭的规则,法庭可以根据提交的摘要做出判决也可以安排口头辩论。
Depending on the selected mode Full screen callerwill show either a photo associated with a corresponding contact or detailed information about the caller. 来电大图贴根据所选则的模式显示相关联系人的来电大图贴或详细信息。

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