Money matters could provide you with one more bit of confusing information to deal with, but don't get yourself all worked up about it.
桔解:涉及到钱财方面会让你碰到更多处理不清的事情,但不要在这上面花太多心思。 |
Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel.
金钱可以是许多东西的外壳,却不是里面的果实。 |
Money means everything to her.
她视钱如命。 |
Money misspent one year is clawed back the next.
今年浪费的钱财要在下一年设法加以弥补。 |
Money owed and payable by a company, usually within one year.
对公司而言,通常是指一年期的欠款和应付帐款。 |
Money paid on administrative law has two forms: the one paid by citizens and the one by the government.
摘要行政法上金钱给付义务包括“相对人”所负的“公法上金钱给付义务”和“国家”所负的“行政法上金钱给付义务”两种形式。 |
Money policy is fast becoming a hot potato.
货币政策很快地成为一个烫手山芋。 |
Money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure value.
钱是一种计算单位,用这个计算单位可作为衡量价值的标准。 |
Money put in a traditional IRA is not taxed until it is withdrawn.
将钱存入传统的IRA是不需要纳税的,直到回收。 |
Money put into the credit cards is at call.
划入信用卡的钱可以随时支取。 |
Money really can't buy happiness, according to a new survey showing lawyers and other well-paid white-collar workers are more likely to suffer depression.
看来金钱确实买不到快乐。一项最新调查表明,律师和其他一些高薪白领患抑郁症的几率较大。 |