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A: Sorry. I can't help it. I'm under such pressure at the moment.

A: Sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉让你久等。
A: Sorry to keep you waiting. We're ready to check you in now. I hope you're not too tired after your flight. 对不起要你久等,我们现在帮你办入住手续。希望你下机后不会太累吧。
A: Sorry, sir. My name is incorrectly spelled. 对不起,先生。我的名字给打错/拼错了。
A: Sorry, we are in a traffic jam. 对不起,我们遇到了交通阻塞。
A: Sorry. I broke your radio. (对不起,我把你的收音机弄坏了。)
A: Sorry. I can't help it. I'm under such pressure at the moment. 抱歉。我控制不了。我目前遭受极大的压力。
A: Sorry. I had something urgent to deal with just when I was to leave. 对不起,我正要来的时候又有急事要处理。
A: Sounds (nice/ exciting/ thrilling). 听起来(不错/很刺激/惊险)。
A: Sounds a bit too abstract. 听起来太抽象了。
A: Sounds like a good idea! I'll do weights today. 这主意听起来不错唷!我今天要练举重。
A: Star Wars? I love this movie! 《星际大战》吗?我超爱这部电影的!

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