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No sound exists without air.

No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began. 地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了。
No sooner was the press off-loaded from the steamboat than a drunken mob formed and tried to set fire to the warehouse where it was stored. 那些报纸还来不及从船上卸下来,就有一群喝醉的暴民试图要放火烧毁存放报纸的仓库。
No soonerhad the uncle sat down, than a graceful aunty came to us followedby two elder brothers at the age of me. 刚刚坐下,一个阿姨领着两个和小哥哥差不多大的小哥哥走了进来。
No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. 入夜时分, 万籁俱寂.
No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. 入夜时分,万籁俱寂.
No sound exists without air. 没有空气就没有声音.
No sound mixer available: Error opening mixer device! 没有可用的混音器:打开混音器设备出错!
No spark had yet kindled in him an intellectual passion. 还没有火花点燃他身上的求知欲。
No special clinical manifestation was found in the early stage of SA. 脾脓肿主要为血源性感染所致。
No special form for an armistice is prescribed. 休战并无固定形式。
No species of performing artist is as self-critical as a dancer. 所有艺术家的类型中,没有象舞蹈家那样严格地自我要求了。

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