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The wings will come at another time in the physical when the density of earth has lifted and our species can then fly again.

The wings of the aircraft are raked. 这架飞机的机翼是做成倾斜状的。
The wings of the aircraft had iced up. 机翼上结了一层冰.
The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down. 那鸟击落後翅膀仍在抖动.
The wings of the ostrich flap joyously: Are they the pinion and plumage of lovingkindness? 13鸵鸟的翅膀欢然扇展,岂是显慈爱的翎毛和羽毛么?
The wings spread round Beckham's arm and merge with the existing tattoos. 天使的翅膀一直延伸到小贝的胳膊,同现有的文身相融合。
The wings will come at another time in the physical when the density of earth has lifted and our species can then fly again. 在另一时期当地球致密被驱散时,我们的双翼将再次出现而能展翅飞翔。
The wingspan is similiar to the Boeing 747, so it is a very large UAV. 翼展和波音747相近,因此“全球鹰”是一种巨大的无人机。
The winner beamed with satisfaction. 获胜者满意地笑了.
The winner cut ten seconds off (eg ran the distance ten seconds quicker than) the world record. 获胜者比世界记录快十秒.
The winner gives selfless service to others.The losers expect others to serve him. 赢家无私的服务他人;输家期待他人为他服务。
The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising. 成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。

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