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Comparison is used as a technique to develop argumentative essays.

Comparison between numerical simulation and measured results of the physical model test shows that this model can qualitatively simulate the floating-debris' accumulation form. 数值模拟结果与实测资料和物理模型试验结果的验证比较表明,该方法可以定性分析漂浮物的堆积形态。
Comparison between simulation and measurement temperature data shows that simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data and the fluid-solid coupled method can solve the steady heat transfer among piston, liner, coolant and body of diesel 和实验测量值的对比结果表明:仿真结果与实测数据吻合较好,用流固耦合方法模拟柴油机活塞组-缸套-冷却水-机体之间的稳态传热是可行的。
Comparison between the testing results and that gained from the computer simulation shows that the basic laws are consistent; and the results measured can faithfully reflect the construction process from all sides with the values smaller than those of the 将实测的砼结构三维温度场的成果,与计算机仿真成果进行了比较分析,发现基本规律一致,实测的结果全面、客观地反映了施工的全过程,且量值小于计算机仿真值。
Comparison experiments of water mist with polycomponent water mist, and the test on polycomponent water mists extinguishing efficiency against ethanol and ethanol motor spirit fire were done. 进行了多组分细水雾与细水雾的灭火性能比较,和用多组分细水雾对汽油火、乙醇汽油火的灭火性能试验。
Comparison is made between the three kinds of bearing arrangement modes in bearing life and gear mesh. 从轴承寿命和齿轮啮合2个方面对3种布置方式进行比较。
Comparison is used as a technique to develop argumentative essays. 比较是议论文中常用的一种写作手法.
Comparison of the percentage makeup of job sources for recruit.net. 各国占招聘搜工作量的比例。
Comparison tests were made to the primary and secondory detonations and the same quantities of the same explosives, and found that both the surface rigidity and the depth of the induration layer have been improved obviously by the use of secondary detonat 同时对同种炸药相同药量分两次爆炸与一次爆炸的效果进行比较,发现采用二次爆炸要比一次爆炸无论表面硬度,还是硬化层深度都有明显改进。
Comparison with mainland Europe is also gratifying. .和欧洲大陆比起来也是很令人满意的。
Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched. 使人高兴的或者沮丧的,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。
Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人.

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