It should tackle symptoms that affect well-being—such as hair loss, drowsiness, anxiety, irritability and side effects of medication, including sexual dysfunction. |
中文意思: 缓和医疗应该要处理会影响生活品质的病症,像是落发、嗜睡、焦虑、易怒,以及其他医疗副作用,包括性功能失常等。 |
It should probably be no surprise that a city lacking in social cohesion during ordinary times falls into despair and near-anarchy when disaster strikes.
所以,我们毫不奇怪,一个平时就缺少社会凝聚力的城市,但灾难降临,就会陷入绝境、几乎变成无政府状态。 |
It should rather be planned as one to be done in fresco, with constant consideration of exterior objects, some of them quite at a distance and even existing as yet only in the imagination of the painter.
它至少应该被理解为壁画,要不断的考虑外部的事物,其中一些距离它很远甚或已经存在,就好比仍存在于画家脑中的想像一样。 |
It should resolve shortly, with no other symptoms.
症状可能很快就消除了,也没有其他的症状出现。 |
It should scare up a few extra blankets on a cold night.
寒冷的夜晚应该多弄几条毯子。 |
It should stick to the idea that the research is for the people and therefore highlight people's livelihood; according to the principle of an overall and sustainable development, grasp and deal well with the key relationships between the studies of counte
哲学社会科学要坚持科研为民,把研究民生问题放在突出位置;要按照全面协调可持续发展要求,把握和处理好应用对策研究与基础理论研究、整合社科研究“五路大军”资源与发挥各自特长、研究成果的质量与数量等重要关系。 |
It should tackle symptoms that affect well-being—such as hair loss, drowsiness, anxiety, irritability and side effects of medication, including sexual dysfunction.
缓和医疗应该要处理会影响生活品质的病症,像是落发、嗜睡、焦虑、易怒,以及其他医疗副作用,包括性功能失常等。 |
It should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.
你大概要使用30分钟来完成这个模块的学习。 |
It should use the special invoices of service trades.
应使用服务业专用发票. |
It should yield a mutable sequence object (e.g., a list).
这应给出一个可变有序对象(比如列表)。 |
It should yield either a mutable sequence object (e.g., a list) or a mapping object (e.g., a dictionary).
这应给出或者一个可变有序对象(比如,一个列表)或者一个映射对象(比如,一个字典)。 |
It should, however, be distinguished by the neck being raised unrestrained, forming a harmonious curve from the withers to the poll which is the highest point with the nose slightly in front of the vertical.
但无论如何明显的可看到,颈部必须自然地抬起,从耆甲到项部形成一条和谐的曲线,项部是最高点,鼻子位于垂直线稍前方。 |