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To worship or to serve anything other than God for gain is always the devil's temptation to secure worship.

To work on FOSS, experience shows that it is best to use free/open source tools. 经验表明对自由/开源软件的工作最好是使用自由/开源工具来进行。
To work on the basic idea of human-orientation is the requirement for labor union in high schools under new situation and task and the necessity to fulfill its various functions. 把以人为本作为开展工会工作的根本理念,是高校工会组织面临的新形势与新任务所要求的,同时也是工会组织全面履行自己的各项职能所必需的。
To work out a mathematical relationship of the“Dopplereffect”,relating the pitch to the relative motion of source andobserver,the Austrian scientist Christian Johann Doppler placedtrumpeters on a railroad flat car and musicians with a sense ofabsolute pit 为了计算出“多普勒效应”的一个数学关系,即音调和运动中的声源和观察者之间的相对关系,奥地利科学家克里斯蒂·约翰·多普勒让几位吹号人坐在一节平板火车上,让几个对音调特别敏感的音乐家坐在铁轨附近。
To work out the regional annual sales plan, the budget, and accomplish the tasks from the company for the regional distribution. 编制区域年度销售计划,预算计划,完成公司年度该区域销售计划。
To work with client's senior management team to identify leadership development needs and devise strategy in support of achieving client's business goals. 与客户的高级管理人员共同确立客户公司管理团队发展需求,以确保有效支持客户业务发展的需要。
To worship or to serve anything other than God for gain is always the devil's temptation to secure worship. 为利去敬拜或事奉神以外的任何事物,总是魔鬼要取得人敬拜的一种试诱。
To wrap up the book, I've outlined some of the pros and cons of each language in this section. 作为一书的结尾,在这一节里,我会描述一下它们各自的优点和不足。
To write a good argumentative paper, the writer should make sure the paper includes the following seven parts: (1) introducing the argument; (2) stating circumstances; (3) further sating the issues; (4) dividing up the causes; (5) arguments against the op 一篇好的议论通常包括了七个部分:(1)引论;(2)说明情况;(3)进一步说明情况;(4)分析原因;(5)驳斥相反的观点;(6)提出支持自己的论点;(7)结论。
To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically. 要写出好文章, 必须先从逻辑上理顺思绪.
To write a letter of congratulation is one of the best ways to promote good will. 写道贺信是表示友好的重要方法之一。
To write descriptively is one of the skills a good writer must have. 描写是一个好的作者所必须拥有的其中一个技能。

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