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The Big Cats in Britain (BCIB) group used the Freedom of Information Act to survey local councils on the weird and woolly creatures legally kept in private hands.

The Bible tells us to love all men. 圣经告诉我们要去喜爱所有的人。
The Bible was written in three languages: (1) Hebrew, (2) Aramaic, and (3) Greek. 圣经是用三种语言写的:(1)希伯来文,(2)亚兰文,以及(3)希腊文。
The Big Bang theory isn't proven, but astronomers say that it's likely -- so they think that the universe is about 14 billion years old. 大爆炸理论尚未得到验证,但天文学家都说那是很有可能的,因此他们认为宇宙大约有140亿岁了。
The Big Beijing area (Jing Jin Tang): The political and cultural center of China. Major cities are: Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Baoding, Langfang. 京津唐:中国政治文化中心.主要城市有:北京、天津、唐山、保定、廊坊.
The Big Ben, the Tower of London and the British Museum remain famous in the world. 大本钟、伦敦塔以及不列颠博物馆仍然名扬世界。
The Big Cats in Britain (BCIB) group used the Freedom of Information Act to survey local councils on the weird and woolly creatures legally kept in private hands. 英国“大型猫科动物”(BCIB)组织对英国人合法饲养的奇异猫科动物进行了调查。
The Big Dipper colloid mill principle of work full sound of something astir grinding pan tooth profile incline relative motion but becomes, high speed revolves, another static causes the material to receive the enormous shearing force and the friction for 七星胶体磨工作原理充分动静磨盘齿形斜面的相对运动而成,其中一个高速旋转,另一个静止使物料通过齿形斜面之间的物料受到极大的剪切力和摩擦力,同时又在高频震动和高速旋涡等复杂力的作用下使物料为流体超微粒粉碎、乳化、分散、均质、搅拌等功能,可代替并优于石磨,砂磨机、球磨机、乳匀机、剪切乳化机、三辊机、组织捣碎机等工作效率。
The Big Mac PPP is the exchange rate that would leave a burger in any country costing the same as in America. 巨无霸指数是让任何国家一个巨无霸的成本都与美国的相同的汇率。
The Big Mac PPP is the exchange rate that would leave burgers costing the same as in America. 巨无霸购买力平价是一种能够让(某国的)汉堡包与美国的价格相同的汇率。
The Big Mac index was never intended as a precise forecasting tool. 巨无霸指数从来都没想成为一个精确的预测工具。
The Big One takes about 15 minutes to prepare and another 20 to 25 minutes to bake, said Rob Carrabbia, whose wife, Wendy, owns the pizzeria in suburban Pittsburgh. 罗布·卡拉比亚说:制作'巨无霸比萨'的准备工作用了15分钟,之后的烘烤用了20至25分钟。罗布的妻子温蒂是这家位于匹兹堡(宾州西南部城市)郊区的比萨店的主人。

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