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At the ceremony he was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievement.

At the center of the mosque stands a huge, richly decorated church. 在清真寺的中央竖立一座庞大的,装饰富丽堂皇的教堂。
At the center of the picture is an object central to the remains of the violent stellar explosion. 上面这张照片中央,就是发生这次剧烈恒星爆炸的位置。
At the center, or most significant place within a courtyard, is a wooden sculptural piece that forms the museum and reinforces Design Republic as an educational platform for design. 空间中部,或者说是庭院中最重要的部分是一个作为博物馆的木质结构,烘托整个设计共和使之成为一个学术性的设计交流平台。
At the centre of Qingdao CBD. 青岛中央商务区的高品质写字楼。
At the centre of SHENZHEN,strong and high effeciencylogistics network distributing all over the world. 以深圳为中心,强大高效的物流网络分布全世界各地.
At the ceremony he was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievement. 在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。
At the check-in counter you will receive your boarding pass. 你们将会在报到柜台拿到登机证。
At the city hall, he told the flag-waving crowd: The liberation of Paris is the victory of the Resistance and the people of Paris, together with French and Allied armies. 在市政厅里,他对充满爱国激情的群众说道:“巴黎的解放是抵抗运动的胜利,是巴黎人民的胜利,也是法国人民和盟军的胜利。”
At the clinic, students literally throw human blood around (old pints of it are bought from the Red Cross) to understand how it falls and splatters. 在医疗中心,可以说学生到处扔人血(这些旧血来自红十字)以了解血滴怎样落下和滴溅的。
At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day. 在每天的交易结束之后,清算所将当天的买卖合约进行撮合。
At the close of the certification,Stamp of tax officemeans official stamp at the level of the county (city) of China that is in charge of the said taxation. 四、本表末项所列主管税务机关盖章是指负责该项审批业务的县(市)级税务机关加盖本级公章。

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