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For sublingual-administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue and allow it to dissolve completely. Caution client against swallowing tablet.

For students who didn't get a ideal score in the National College Entrance Examination, CISTI is your best choice. 对于高考失利,不能进入理想的大学的考生选择我们中国资讯科技学院是最好的选择。
For students, this is a more interesting and challenging experience because they have to utilize the skills they learned in computer class to help themselves to compose and arrange the materials, to record their voices of reading the stories, and then stu 因为,在创作的过程中,童话超自然现象的世界,能让儿童尽情发挥想像力;童话人物的塑造、情节设计之写作技巧,能提升儿童写作的技能。
For studies using software, a scan converter provides a direct feed from the subject's computer screen to tape recorders and monitors on the observer side. 对于研究使用软件,扫描变换器把项目电脑的屏幕直接输入到摄录存储器和观察者这边的监视器上。
For study of the availability of this kind of building in seismic zone, the mechanic characteristics of this structure under horizontal earthquake excitation were analyzed according to the test results, and the dynamic calculation model and the setting me 这种建筑适应城市建设发展的要求,且较纯框架结构经济,特别受到房屋开发商的青睐,在相对落后和不发达地区尤为适用。
For styles with front placket, verify that upper placket fully covers under placket. Open and check construction and stitching. 有前门筒的款式,门筒面层要盖住底层。打开并检查其结构和针步。
For sublingual-administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue and allow it to dissolve completely. Caution client against swallowing tablet. 服舌下药时,应让病人将药放于舌头下待其完全溶化。提醒病人不能吞药。
For subsistence, man has summarized many tangible and intangible things in the hardships over thousands of years – culture. 为了生存,人们在几千年的艰难困苦中总结了许多有形、无形的东西——文化。
For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the procedure given in the chapter, Water Determination 921, is appropriate, and is specified in the individual monograph. <921>水分检测法适用于那些似乎以水分作为唯一挥发性成分的供试品,具体规定见各论。
For success in the long run it’s best to establish a regular solicitation routine you can maintain. 长期成功的最好建立一个经常邀约例行你可以保持.
For successive two years of 2005 and 2006, Guangdong Heping International Travel Agency Co., Ltd gained the honor of Most Favorable Travel Agency of Guangzhou, China Top 10 Wholesaler for Exit Tour, and Unit of Contract Observation and Credit Regard, whic 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司2005年、2006年连续两年荣获《广东最受欢迎旅行社》称号,《中国出境游十大批发商》及《守合同重信用单位》称号,是旅游局颁发的第一批《诚信旅行社》,也是广东唯一获《中国企业诚信经营示范单位》荣誉称号的旅行社。
For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. 对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。

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