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It all wasn't easy really,said Rosberg about 2006. To start off like that and then to tail away with the team is not easy.

Istanbul is a dream, but also a target that is now in Milan's possibilities. 伊斯坦布尔是一个梦想,但也是米兰可能完成的目标之一。
It (Piracy) helped Romanians improve their creative capacity in the IT industry.Basescu said. 伯塞斯库说:「老翻软件造就罗马尼亚人有更大空间发展IT业。」
It (taking Rooney off) was talked about,added the Swede. But it would be a pity to take off such an important player who can win a game for you. “我们曾经考虑替下鲁尼,”瑞典人补充说,“但是替下一个能为我们赢得比赛的球员是非常可惜的。
It (the condom's sound) is directly related to the emotional level of the users,he said. 这种安全套发出的声音完全依赖于使用者的情感级数。
It all depends on what Hidalgo brings back from London, where he is in negotiations with Chelsea. “这一切都取决于我的经纪人和切尔西谈判之后从伦敦带回来的结果。
It all wasn't easy really,said Rosberg about 2006. To start off like that and then to tail away with the team is not easy. “2006年的确很不容易,你有个不错的开始,但是后来和车队一起陷入低谷。
It also ensures unbiased testing by recording responses in the speaking section electronically and sending them to a network of ETS human raters, who objectively score the responses for maximum reliability,he said. 他说:“口语考试单元主要采用电子录音的方式将声音录下,再将其传输至ETS总部的人工评分网络,最后由考官统一听取打分,这也保证了考试的公平公正性。”
It also shows the fantastic loyalty of our great Yankee fans who've made every game a sell-out or near sell-out, hanging in and believing in the team. 这也显示出洋基对球迷的忠程度,让每场球赛都是卖光光或几乎满座,挂念著球队以及信任球队。
It annoys me how pretty my voice is...that sounds incredibly immodest, but it annoys me how polite it can sound when perhaps what I'm singing is deeply acidic. 我的声音那么甜美以至于把自己都惹火了。。。这听起来难以置信的厚脸皮。但是这真的让我发火,也许当我想狠狠地尖酸的唱歌时我的声音听起来还彬彬有礼.
It appears people who boogie better tend to be more symmetrical - which is something people look for in a mate. 能随音乐翩翩起舞的人似乎身体的平衡性也较好,而这正是人们寻找另一半的标准之一.
It belonged to Senator Hillary Clinton. “那是参议员希拉里的!”

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