We would like to start you off at 3,000 yuan a month,not including bonus and overtime pay.
我们将给你月薪3,000元作为起薪,不包括奖金和加班费。 |
We would like to stress that this is not a club versus country issue, we are not seeking conflict with the FFF.
我们强调了这并不是一场发生在俱乐部和国家队之间的争端,我们并不想跟法国足联起冲突. |
We would like to submit this claim to arbitration.
本公司要将索赔一事提出仲裁。 |
We would like to thank Montgomery College and The Woodlands Methodist Church for their help. We also thank our teachers and parents for their invaluable support.
希望老师们和家长们继续支持、帮助我们,使林子中文学校越办越好;让我们共同努力,弘扬中国文化。 |
We would like to thank them for being with us for all this time and wish them the best of luck in the future.
我们感谢他们的杰出贡献并由衷祝愿他们拥有美好的未来。 |
We would like to try Shanghai cuisine.
我们想尝尝上海菜。 |
We would like to warn about this way of dealing with dogs.
我们想警告这种对待狗的方式。 |
We would like to welcome Austin, Justin, Tiffany, Harris, Ian, Jasmeet, Wynne, Sydney, Qi-Qi, and Louis back to school. We hope everyone had a wonderful Chinese New Year vacation.
欢迎3月份回来的小朋友!相信大家一定有一个很棒的假期,也相信在未来新的一年里,我们的孩子有会有更多的成长! |
We would like you to instruct your bank to authorize their correspondent bank to confirm the L/C when advising us of the same.
我们希望你方通知你们银行授权他们在我处的代理行在向我们通知信用证时予以保兑。 |
We would like your remittance by return, or failing that, your reasons for not c learing this payment.
我们希望贵公司能汇款支付,若无法汇款,烦请告知无法偿付的理由。 |
We would love to make an offer about sporting T-shirts.
我们很愿意对运动T恤提报价。 |