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They tried to starve him into submission.

They tried to screw money out of me. 他们试图勒索我的钱。
They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases. 他们企图藉由增加税收的办法来支撑起日益衰落的经济。
They tried to silence the noisy crowd. 他们设法使喧闹的人群静下来。
They tried to split the revolutionary front from within. 他们设法从内部来分裂革命阵线。
They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country. 他们企图镇压反抗,结果反抗愈来愈烈,遍及全国。
They tried to starve him into submission. 他们试图用饥饿来使他就范。
They tried to tempt her (into staying) with offers of promotion. 他们提出给她晋级来劝说她(留下).
They tried to use an iron bar to pry open the lock. 他们试图用一根铁棒撬开锁。
They tried to wrest control of the company from him. 他们试图从他手中夺取对该公司的控制权。
They tried two or three hotels, but they were full. 他们试过二、三家旅馆,但他们都客满。
They trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movement. 它们成群结队地跟在第一只跳舞的蜜蜂后面,模仿它的动作。

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