The numerous corrections in the draft are said to show Napoleon's indecision in drawing up his last wishes.
据说,草稿上有多处涂改,体现了拿破仑在草拟遗愿时有些举棋不定。 |
The numerous sightings of crows in places highly reminding of death, like graveyard, battlefield and what not, contracted the dubious fame of the power to foresee death from the human world.
人们经常看见乌鸦出现在墓地、战场等于死亡有关的地方,于是人们认为这种鸟能够预知死亡。 |
The nun once again said, Father, remember Psalm 129?
修女再次说神父,记得赞美诗第129条吗? |
The nun said, Father, remember Psalm 129?The priest removed his hand.
修女说神父,记得赞美诗第129条吗?神父缩回他的手。 |
The nun said, My child, what's the matter?
修女问:孩子,什么事不对吗? |
The nun said, Okay, pull into that alley.
修女说:那好吧。咱们去小胡同。 |
The nunchaku performance by the Chinese Wushu masters, however, reminded the audience of the Kungfu movies by Hong Kong film star Bruce Lee.
然而,中国武术大师们的双节棍表演更让观众们想起了香港电影明星李小龙的功夫电影。 |
The nuns are living in the convent.
修女们住在修道院里。 |
The nuns live in a cloister of calm.
修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。 |
The nuns live in the convent.
修女们住在修道院。 |
The nuptials reportedly took place at a swanky Shanghai hotel, where between 70 and 100 of the couple's relatives and closest friends (but no members of the Rockets' team or front office) gathered amid some 100 security guards.
据报道,婚礼在上海的一家豪华酒店举行,夫妻双方大约70-100名亲戚和密友参加了宴会(火箭队队员和管理层没有收到邀请),婚礼在100名保安的严密照看下举行。 |