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Name of the Item:Expansion &Reformation of Tungsten ore further processing of Nandong Nonferrous Metal Corp,Ltd.

Name all the federal political parties represented in the House of Commons and their leaders. 请列出衆议院中的所有联邦政党名称,以及它们各自的领导人。
Name and address of the construction enterprise. 一营造业名称及营业地址。
Name at least one name of Back Street Boys. 举出“后街男孩”乐队组合中一个成员的名字。
Name five things that UN dedicates to do. 可以说出联合国致力于改变的事情吗?
Name of Act This act may be cited as Uniform Partnership Act. 第一条法律名称本法可被引证为《统一合伙法》。
Name of the Item:Expansion &Reformation of Tungsten ore further processing of Nandong Nonferrous Metal Corp,Ltd. 一、项目名称:衡阳南东钨业有色金属有限公司钨砂深加工改造扩产。
Name of the agency auditing the revenue and expenditure funds. (九)参与审计竞赛经费收支情况的审计机构的名称。
Name one way in which you have provided extraordinarily good service-above the call of duty-to a customer or client. 举出一种您向顾客或客户提供的优质服务方法,而它往往会超出您工作的义务范围。
Name seven things your character hate in others. 写出七种你的角色惹人讨厌的地方。
Name several tasks that should be performed before a programmer starts writing the first line of code. 在程序员编写第一行代码之前,列出需要执行的几项任务。
Name the exam sit by Harry and his friends in the fifth year. 举出哈利在第五年时考试的名称.

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