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Phil. 1:13 So that my bonds have become manifest as being in Christ among the whole Praetorian guard and to all the rest.

Phil never learned how to swim very well, but he can doggy paddle a little. 菲尔不太会游泳,但是他会一点狗爬式。
Phil used a makeshift fishing pole and caught two fish. 菲尔用代用的鱼杆钓到了两条鱼。
Phil was given to wild mood swings and abusive behavior that caused Katherine a great deal of mental anguish. 菲尔喜怒无常的情绪变化和虐待行为带给凯瑟琳精神上巨大的痛苦。
Phil's train is due at 7:00 p.m. 菲尔的火车下午七点钟会到。
Phil, drink your milk up, or you won't go out and play. 菲尔,把你的牛奶喝完了,否则你别想出去玩。
Phil. 1:13 So that my bonds have become manifest as being in Christ among the whole Praetorian guard and to all the rest. 腓一13以致我的捆锁,在御营全军,和所有其余的人中,已经显明是为基督的缘故。
Phil. 1:26 That your boast may abound in Christ Jesus in me through my coming again to you. 腓一26好叫你们的夸耀,在基督耶稣里,因我再到你们那里去,就在我身上得以洋溢。
Phil. 2:18 And in like manner you also rejoice, and you rejoice together with me. 腓二18你们也要同样喜乐,并且与我一同喜乐。
Phil. 3:1 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, for me it is not irksome, but for you it is safe. 腓三1还有,我的弟兄们,你们要在主里喜乐。把同样的话写给你们,于我并不为难,于你们却是妥当。
Phil. 3:11 If perhaps I may attain to the out-resurrection from the dead. 腓三11或者我可以达到那从死人中杰出的复活。
Phil. 3:12 Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus. 腓三12这不是说,我已经得著了,或已经完全了,我乃是竭力追求,或者可以取得基督耶稣所以取得我的。

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